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products > Data Analysis > Sound Quality
Sound Quality

Sound, just like the vibration behavior of structures, is no longer a random feature of a product nowadays. Instead, it is a crucial success factor which can be specifically modified at the development stage of a product.

The PAK software provides all the necessary tools to development engineers so that they can construct products with their own, unmistakable vibration characteristics in an efficient and goal-oriented manner. During the sound design process, freely definable filters can be used to shape several possible sounds of the later product which can then be assessed by testers in hearing comparisons.

Psychoacoustic Analyses

The reliability of the acquired information is confirmed by psychoacoustic analyses. The relevant quantities include:

  • Loudness;
  • Sharpness;
  • Roughness;
  • Fluctuation strength; and
  • Tonality.

Operational Transfer Path Analysis

As regards the structural dynamics, an operational transfer path analysis using the PAK software gives an insight into the paths along which the sound and vibrations in a structure are transmitted to the receiver under operating conditions. This analysis indicates which constructional measures can be expected to give the greatest improvement in sound and vibration behavior.

Sensitivity Analysis

The sensitivity analysis functionality in the PAK software can also be used to immediately simulate what needs to be changed in the transfer path to create the desired vibroacoustic behavior.

· 경기 안양시 벌말로 66, 평촌역 하이필드지식산업센터 A동 715호
· 전화번호: 02.529.0375~6 · 팩스번호: 02.529.0378 · E-mail: